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Rattlesnake Necklace Meaning

What is the meaning of the Rattlesnake symbol?

December 1775. The battle between the American colonists and the British had begun, but the Declaration of Independence had not yet come. Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter.In the letter, he compared the characteristics of the rattlesnake to the qualities of the emerging United States.

Here is an excerpt from the letter and his fascinating observation: "I observed on a Marine Corps drum a rattlesnake painted on it, with the modest motto, 'Don't tread on me,' underneath. "

Knowing that every nation has some custom of heraldry on its arms, I sat down to speculate what this uncommon coat of arms might mean ......"

"It occurred to me that the rattlesnake could not be found anywhere else in the world except in America, and therefore might have been chosen to represent it." I remembered that her eyes were brighter than those of any other animal, and that she had no eyelids. As such, she could be seen as a symbol of vigilance. She never attacks, and once she is in battle, she never surrenders:she is, therefore, a symbol of magnanimity and true courage."

"She never hurts anyone unless she generously informs him, or even her enemy, to warn him not to step on her."

Franklin continued.

"Am I wrong, sir, in thinking that this is a vivid picture of American temper and conduct? The venom in her teeth is necessary for the digestion of her food, and at the same time for the certain destruction of her enemies. It may be understood that that which is destructive to the enemy is not only harmless to us, but absolutely necessary to our survival."

"Frankly, I had no idea what these rattles were all about, and then I went back and counted them, only to find that there were only thirteen rattles, exactly the total number of American colonies. It occurred to me that this was the only part of the snake that had increased in number."

It is a wonderful thing to observe how unique and separate the tinkling sounds such animals make, and how closely they are linked together, never separating unless they are broken. One rattle alone cannot make a sound, but thirteen rattles together would be enough to startle the boldest man in the world."

"Rattlesnakes are solitary, associating with their own kind only when they need protection. In winter, the warmth of a group gathered together preserves their lives, while alone together they may die."

She is very much like America in this respect; she was beautiful when she was young and her beauty will grow as she gets older

Within a year of receiving the letter, the rattlesnake appeared on one of the first American flags, the bright yellow Gadsden flag, with the inscription "Don't Tread on Me." Later, the Continental Congress officially adopted the rattlesnake as the nation's first symbol, approving the design of the official war office seal.

Rattlesnakes graced famous revolutionary flags such as the Gadsden and Culpepper militias. Rattlesnakes appeared on military drums, paper money and playing cards, and in 1776, a British newspaper published an image of Jack, First U.S. Navy, displaying a rattlesnake.

Rattlesnake Necklace Meaning

Wearing a rattlesnake necklace can help us gain courage to tackle the problems we face with courage. Wearing Rattlesnake Necklace Meaning can generate gambling luck, especially for poker players, for whom bluffing or performing power is part of the game.

Coppertist.wu has launched a movable brass rattlesnake pendant that can also be heard rustling when shaken, It's the perfect gift for the reptile lover in your life or a nice treat for yourself!

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