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How much do you know about the Chinese Zodiac?

  The twelve zodiac signs originate from China are the figurative representatives of the twelve earthly branches,including: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

tiger desk accent

  Each animal has a rich legend. For example, this year is 2022, which is the Year of the Tiger. In folklore, there was no tiger in the zodiac, but the Jade Emperor heard that the tiger was very brave, so he promoted it as one of the zodiac signs.

tiger desk accent
       After the tiger became a member of the Chinese zodiac, it expelled the four evil beasts and made great contributions to the world, so the Jade Emperor drew four strokes on its forehead, intending to praise the tiger as "the king of beasts".
       The image of the tiger has the good meaning of eliminating disasters and avoiding disasters and auspiciousness and peace in the Chinese folk.

tiger desk accent
      In people's minds, they believe that people with different zodiac signs have different personalities. 

      At the same time, people should wear red clothing and accessories in their Year of birth, and items with the image of the zodiac in their Year of birth.

tiger desk accent

COPPERTIST.W>U >has launched an adorable Year of the Tiger brass desk accent.
      Imagine what it would be like to have a cute tiger in your house? 

tiger desk accent

     We have created a new piece that starts with fun and a lovely interpretation of the king of animals - the tiger. 
     Innocent proportions and shapes, finely sculpted hair patterns, and unique graphite process make it even shinier. 
tiger desk accent

    Made of solid brass, this artwork can be used as a paperweight. 
    With a auspicious meaning, this tiger desk accent could add a lively atmosphere to your home.
tiger desk accent

 You can buy this artwork through our official website: 

Don't forget to use this code to get a discount: >CPTSWUSO15>

    For more excellent artworks, you can enter our website and feel free to choose the products you need.

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